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Study Spots in Mountain House

You would sit in your classroom and find yourself having a hard time to study due to the ruckus in your class. You may be thankful that there is success period where you can actually go in any class and study in silence. However, once success is over, you will be forced to leave the classroom. If you needed more time to study, you would wonder where will be a nice place to study especially in school lunch.

A sweet place to study during school lunch would be the benches or sitting areas in the middle of the MHHS schoolground. They may not have tables, but they are pretty distant from noisy areas. It is pretty quiet there compared to the cafeteria where there are full of ruckus and commotion going about. Arlette, a MHHS sophomore student, said, “I like it here, it is quiet, and there are barely any people around here.”

Another sweet place to study during school lunch would be in a classroom in room C204. A MHHS biology teacher, Kelly Sullivan, opens her classroom even after success period. 34 students in maximum can fit in her classroom. Her classroom mostly opens from Monday through Wednesday, and sometimes on Thursday and Friday during lunchtime. Kelly Sullivan said, “I can help students in any biology classes, and the students can use their time together to help each other on different subjects.”

A sweet place to study outside of school would be the MH Library located in the 250 East Main Street. This library provides you with library books of English, and Spanish. It also provides you with free Wi-Fi services for internet uses. There may also be volunteers in there who are homework helpers. The library is opened in 10 - 8PM on Monday, 10 - 7PM on Tuesday, 1 - 6PM on Wednesday, 10 - 6PM on Thursday, 10 - 5PM on Friday and Saturday, and 12 - 5PM on Sunday. Kaye Leuck, an MH librarian, said, “We have elementary students as well as high school students and Delta College students to come study here. We provide computers, great database, and also lots of sources.”

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